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Division Descriptions

Overview of Divisions of Play

Divisions Primary Age Group  School Grade Description

T-Ball 5-6                          Pre-K, Kindergarten Players hit a safety (soft) baseball from a batting tee

International League (A) 7                              1st Grade Coach Pitch

Pacific League (AA) 8, 9                          2nd and 3rd Grade Intro to Player Pitch/Coach Pitch

National League (AAA) 9, 10                        3rd and 4th Grade Player Pitch

American League (Majors) 11, 12                        5th and 6th Grade League's most competitive level of baseball

Tee Ball League

2025 Fee: $150.00 (+ $45 city field use fee)

Equipment Provided by League: Jersey, hat.

Equipment Needed: Batting Helmet, Glove, Bat (USA Bat Standard)

Optional Equipment: Baseball Pants, Cleats

This developmental, non-competitive level of baseball is for all players who are "Little League Baseball age 5 or 6" or born in September 2018 or later & are enrolled in PreK or Kindergarten. Parents are asked to not leave players unattended at practice or games. Players are hitting a soft baseball from a batting tee, no outs are tracked, no score is kept, and every player bats each inning.

·        Teams are formed by the League primarily based on registration date & school area.

·        Games are typically three or four innings, played in split squad format (two games played simultaneously)

·        Teams typically have two games per week with short practice time prior to each game

·        All games are played at Forest Hills Elementary on Tuesday or Thursday and Saturday

·        Equal playing time for all participants

·        Season is approximately 9 weeks with 18 games/practices

·        Season Dates: Approximately 04/01/2024 to 06/07/2024


International League

2025 Fee: $185.00 (+ $50 city field use fee) 

Equipment Provided by League: Jersey, Hat

Equipment Needed: Glove, Cleats, Batting Helmet, Bat (USA Bat Standard)

Optional Equipment: Baseball Pants, Cleats, protective cup

This developmental, non-competitive level of baseball is primarily made up of 1st graders. Playing out of grade level requires commissioner approval. Players hit a soft baseball pitched by a coach overhand from a knee (a tee is used if the player does not hit the ball into play after five pitches). Three outs per inning OR once through the batting order. No score is kept.

·        Teams are formed by the League primarily based on registration date and school area (teams can be a mix of schools, depending
 on numbers)

·        Teams typically have one practice and one to two games per week

·        All games are played at Forrest Hills Elementary on a either Mondays or Wednesdays and at Westlake Park (Field #3) on Saturdays

·        Practices are at Forest Hills Elementary on either a Monday or Wednesday

·        Equal playing time for all participants

·        Season Dates: Approximately 04/01/2024 to 06/07/2024

 2020 international league rules.docx

Pacific League

2025 fee: $210.00 (+ $75 city field use fee)

Equipment Provided by League: Jersey, Hat, Socks

Equipment Needed: Glove, Cleats, Batting Helmet, Bat (USA Bat Standard), Protective Cup

Developmental, noncompetitive, baseball format primarily made up of 2nd graders with some 3rd graders.  Season is played with a combination of coach pitch and an introduction of player pitch. Regulation baseball is used.

Player evaluations may be implemented for 2024.  First Graders shall register in International League. 3rd graders shall register for National League. First graders looking to "play up" or 3rd graders not ready for the competitive level of play in National League may be considered by league commissioner. 

·        Teams are formed by the League primarily based on school area, other criteria include: coach requests, buddy requests and age balance.
 Early registrants are given priority for school/coach/buddy requests.

·        Teams typically have one to two practices and two games per week

·        Games and practices primarily played at George Rogers Park

·        Season Dates: Approximately 03/11/2024 to 06/01/2024

National League

2025 Fee: $250.00 (+ $110 city field use fee)

Equipment Provided by League: Jersey, Hat, Socks, Belt

Equipment Needed: Glove, Cleats, Batting Helmet (jaw guard encouraged), Bat (USA Bat Standard), Gray Baseball Pants, Protective Cup

Developmental, competitive level of baseball consisting primarily of 3rd and 4th graders. Players are placed onto teams via draft, following evaluations. Some 3rd graders may be asked to play Pacific League at the conclusion of the evaluations.  2nd graders should register and play Pacific League. Exceptions to "play up" only allowed by commissioner approval. Score and win/loss record are maintained.

· All players entering the National League required to participate in a player evaluation (fielding, catching, pitching and hitting) prior to the
        player draft

· Draft goal is balanced teams

· Teams typically have two practices and two games per week

· Games primarily played at Westlake Park or E Waluga Park

· All players will play an infield position at least one inning in the first 4 innings of each game

· No player sits out more than two innings per game or two consecutive innings

· This division offers playoff at the end of the season

·   National & American League local rules.pdf

Evaluation Date is February 8th. Make-ups Feb 10th

Practices start week of March 4th

Games start week of April 1st

American League

2025 Fee: $275.00 (+ $110 city field use fee)

Equipment Provided: Jersey, Hat, Socks, Belt

Equipment Needed: Glove, Cleats, Batting Helmet (jaw guard encouraged), Bat (USA Bat Standard), White Baseball Pants, Protective Cup

Little League's most competitive level of baseball consisting primarily of 5th, 6th and some 7th graders. Players are placed onto teams via draft after player evaluations, some 5th graders may be asked to play in the National League Division. Score and win/loss record are maintained.

·        Players entering the American League required to participate in a player evaluation (fielding, catching, pitching and hitting) prior to the
         player draft

·        Draft goal is balanced teams

·        Teams typically have two practices and three games per week

·        This is the most competitive level of traditional Little League Baseball

·        Games primarily played at E Waluga Park or Westlake Park

· This division offers playoff at the end of the season

·   National & American League local rules.pdf

Evaluation date is February 1st. Make-ups Feb 3rd

Practices start week of March 4th

Games start week of April 1st


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