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Fall Ball

2024 Fall Ball

Please read the level of play requirements, and fall ball information below.

Levels of Play:

  • American League - Incoming 5th and 6th graders

  • National League - Incoming 3rd and 4th graders

  • Pacific League - Incoming 2nd graders and 3rd graders that are either new to baseball or less experienced.   

Note: Pacific League (PL) format will be Sandlot style scrimmages and skills development. New players contact Fall Ball commissioner for registration options.

Length of season:
-Team selection will be completed in the third or fourth week of August (after the closure of Registration)
-Practice starts the first week of school or just before
-Games start early September and finish at end of October.
-Parents that desire their child to play higher level than their age, need approval from prior coaches and Fall Ball Commissioner

-Once a week, sometimes twice a week, coach dependent
-Many children participating in Fall Bal also play other sports and coaches are flexible in working around practice and games schedules.

-Two games per week either Friday night, Saturday or Sundays during the day.
-NL and AL teams play other leagues from the metro area including District 4 teams such as SW Portland LL, Cedar Mill LL, Raleigh Hills LL, Wilsonville LL, Tillamook LL and Murrayhill LL

Number of Teams:
3-4 AL Teams
3-4 NL Teams
PL Teams (TBD)

AL & NL $200 includes field use fee
PL $125 includes field Use Fee

Please see Fall Ball FAQ’s for common questions about the season. We look forward to seeing you on the Ball Fields!!



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